Title IX
Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Deputy Coordinator
University Title IX Coordinator
Esmeralda Silva
Vice President of Student Affairs
10445 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131
(858) 635-4535
University Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Tremier Johnson
Vice President of Human Resources
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131
Resources and References
Resource Guide
Campus Resources
The following people are available to help you cope if you become the victim of a sexual assault.
Public Safety (858) 635-4444 (San Diego Campus)
Directors of Campus Services
San Diego
Michelle Elghardgui – Campus Director
10455 Pomerado Road,
San Diego, CA 92131
(858) 635-4829, michelle.elghardgui@alliant.edu
Paul Nelson – Campus Director and SIMS Technician
3110 N Central Ave Suite G-125
(858) 635-4281, paul.nelson@alliant.edu
San Francisco Bay Area
Julie Cosenza – Regional Director of Campus and Student Services
1476 66th Street, Suite 104
Emeryville, CA 94608
(415) 955-2163, julie.cosenza@alliant.edu
Michele Pino – Campus Director
2855 Michelle Drive, Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92606
(949) 812-7464, michele.pino@alliant.edu
Virtual Campus
Grant Gordon – Associate Director of Student Services
Binayak Joshi – Associate Campus Director, Student Advisor
2030 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833
(916) 561-3204, binayak.joshi@alliant.edu
Lia Brooke – Associate Campus Director, Student Advisor
5130 E. Clinton Way
Fresno, CA 93727
(559) 795-4987, lia.brooke@alliant.edu
Los Angeles/Alhambra
Stephanie Byers-Bell – Regional Director of Campus and Student Services
1000 South Fremont Avenue, Unit 5
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 270-3304, sbyers-bell@alliant.edu
Virtual Campus
Michelle Hayes – Assistant Director of Student Services
California School of Education
Kristy Pruitt
California School of Forensic Psychology
Diana Concannon
California School of Health Sciences
Sherrie Palmieri
California School of Management and Leadership
Rachna Kumar
California School of Professional Psychology
David Stewart
San Francisco Law School
Scott Zimmer
Student Assistance Program 1-888-893-LINC (5462) (Offers confidential 24-hour counseling and referral services for legal and other supports services)
- TTY users call 711.
- Or visit mystudentlinc.com
- Username: Please email Student Affairs for Username information: studentaffairs@alliant.edu
Off Campus Resources
You may feel anxious, frightened, depressed or angry and may be fearful, restless, or irritated. You may be experiencing difficulties in relationships with family members and friends and in dating. Talking with a counselor who understands rape and can discuss your concerns and options may be helpful to you. The organizations listed below offer counseling services and referral to legal and other supports:
- National Domestic Violence Information & Referral Hotline (800) 799-SAFE (7233) (Offers a confidential 24-hour crisis hotline, and shelter for battered women)
- Center for Community Solutions and Services (24-hour) – (888) 385-4657
- Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) – (800) 656-4673 (HOPE)
- National Center for Victims of Crime Victim Service Helpline – 1-800-FYI-CALL
- Megan’s Law: Also registered sex offender information is available at the Megan’s Law website: https://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/
Counseling services may also be available from other sources such as the following:
- Local health department
- Rape crisis center
- Family doctor or Hospital clinic
- Mental health professionals
- Clergy
Policies and Procedures
Alliant International University (also referred to as Alliant or the University) strives to promote and provide an environment free from sexual and gender-based misconduct and all forms of sexual and gender-based harassment.
For Incidents that took place July 31, 2024 and prior
Title IX: Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Misconduct Policy
For Incidents that take place August 1, 2024
Title IX: Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Misconduct Policy 2024
Reporting Requirements
Making a Report
Alliant University community members who have experienced sexual misconduct or are aware of incidents of sexual misconduct experienced by other University members, should make an immediate report to the University Title IX Coordinator. A complainant is not required to report to law enforcement to receive assistance from Alliant. University personnel will help you contact local police authorities in the event the student has not done so already, if you wish to do so.
The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) is responsible for investigating complaints of Gender Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation, including Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, as well as complaints of Sexual Misconduct, Domestic and Dating Violence, and Stalking. Inquiries or complaints regarding the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may also be filed with the Office of Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education), and/or with law enforcement.
Where to Make a Complaint
Complaint must be filed with the following Title IX officials to provide official notice to the University of a Title IX Complaint. Additional documents (e.g., police report, e-mails) may be submitted with the Complaint but it is not required.
The University’s Title IX Officials include the University Title IX Coordinator and a Deputy Coordinator:
Title IX Coordinator
Esmeralda Silva, Vice President of Student Affairs
Alliant International University, Fletcher Hall 1
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131
(858) 635-4535
University Title IX Deputy
Andrea Boozer, Vice President of People & Culture
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131
(858) 635-4615
If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted
Students or employees who have been sexually assaulted should call 911 immediately (call 9-911 from a campus phone if not using a direct outside line.)
Do not douche, change clothes, shower, or do anything to change your appearance and do not disturb the physical surroundings in which the assault took place. If you do, you may destroy evidence (seminal fluid, hair, clothing fibers, etc.) that the police and prosecutor need to arrest and convict your attacker. This evidence may also be helpful in obtaining a protection order.
If the assault occurs on University property, it should also be reported to the Public Safety Department, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) and the Campus Director, to help safeguard other residents and members of the campus community. A victim who reports a crime may request anonymity to the extent practicable and permitted by local law.
University personnel will help you contact local police authorities in the event the student/employee has not done so already, if the student/employee wishes to do so.
Students or employees who have been sexually assaulted have options for making changes to academic, living, transportation, and working situations. University personnel will assist you in making changes when requested.
You will be informed of any interim protective measures that will be taken and their options for protective orders.
Confidentiality of Reports of Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment
Confidentiality is limited to counselors and psychologists in the employee assistance program (EAP) and student assistance program (SAP). Because content of discussions with confidential resources is not reported to an office of record, such discussions do not serve as notice to the University to address the alleged discrimination or sexual misconduct.
Individuals reporting incidents of Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment may ask that the individual(s) name(s) not be disclosed or that no investigation or disciplinary action be pursued to address the alleged Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment. The University supports a student’s interest in confidentiality in cases involving Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment.
The Title IX Coordinator attempts to balance the needs of the parties for privacy with the institutional responsibility of ensuring a safe educational environment and workplace. Confidentiality is an aspiration but is not always possible or appropriate. An individual’s requests regarding the confidentiality of reports of discrimination or sexual misconduct will be considered in determining an appropriate response; however, such requests will be considered in the dual contexts of the University’s legal obligation to ensure a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination or sexual misconduct and the due process rights of the accused to be informed of the allegations and their source. Some level of disclosure may be necessary to ensure a complete and fair investigation.
Alliant will inform an individual requesting confidentiality when complying with a confidentiality request may limit the University’s ability to respond to the complaint. The University will consider a complainant’s request for confidentiality alongside its institutional responsibility to provide a reasonably safe and non-discriminatory environment.
The University will maintain as confidential any accommodation or protective measure provided to the complainant, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the University to provide the accommodations or protective measures.
When situations arise in which the University must override a complainant’s request for confidentiality to meet its Title IX obligations, the following factors will be considered in making this determination:
These instances will be limited, and the information will only be shared with individuals who are responsible for handling the University’s response to incidents of Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment. Even if a student does not specifically ask for confidentiality, to the extent possible, the University will only disclose information regarding alleged incidents of Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment to individuals who are responsible for handling the University’s response. The University will notify students of the information that will be disclosed, to whom it will be disclosed, and why. Regardless of whether student complainant requests confidentiality, the University will take steps to protect the complainant as necessary. The University Title IX Coordinator is responsible for maintaining all related records relating to reports and investigations of this nature.
Reporting Form
Alliant International University strives to provide an environment free from sexual and gender-based misconduct and all forms of sexual and gender-based harassment. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits schools from discriminating based on sex/gender. The University strives to meet all the requirements defined by Title IX, the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act, the Clery Act and the re-authorized Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Title IX discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, gender-based harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence (domestic and dating violence). Alliant prohibits any sexual misconduct or harassment, a form of discrimination based on sex/gender, in addition to the guidelines set forth in the Non-Discrimination policy.
This policy applies to all conduct in any academic, educational, extra-curricular, or other University program and activity, whether those programs and activities occur in University facilities, on or off campus. Conduct that occurs outside of the United States or conduct that occurs in an activity not sanctioned as an academic, educational, extra-curricular, or other University program and activity may be addressed via other University policies. Accordingly, the University will investigate all Complaints regardless of where the alleged conduct occurs to determine if it should be addressed by Title IX or another University policy.
The University will take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent harassment and sexual misconduct. Alliant maintains a program to eliminate sexual and other forms of harassment from its working/learning environment including the provision of supervisory, staff, faculty, and student sexual awareness and prevention training. In compliance with California State law, all University employees and students are given a copy of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing’s pamphlet (DFEH-185) entitled “Sexual Harassment: The Facts About Sexual Harassment.” Should the University become aware that any contractor, vendor, partner, or other affiliate engages in Sexual or Gender Based Misconduct/Harassment appropriate action up to and including termination of the contractual business relationship may occur.
Administrators will support and assist staff, faculty, and students in the pursuit of investigating and remediating problems of harassment or sexual misconduct whenever it occurs. If you are a student or employee who feels you have been subjected to such abuses, you should report all harassment and sexual misconduct complaints (knowing that it will be in confidence and without reprisal or retaliation) to the
University Title IX Coordinator
Esmeralda Silva – Vice President of Student Affairs
10445 Pomerado Road, Fletcher Hall 1
San Diego, CA 92131
858-635-4535; esmeralda.silva@alliant.edu
To file a complaint with the University, please complete and send this form to the Title IX Coordinator via email at esmeralda.silva@alliant.edu or bring the form in person to Alliant University, Fletcher Hall 1, 10455 Pomerado Road, San Diego, CA 92131.Alternatively, you may call our office at 858-635-4535 to make arrangements for a representative to meet with you at another location at the Alliant San Diego campus.
Although the University cannot commit to keeping a Title IX complaint confidential because of the University’s obligation to investigate the complaint, the University will use its best efforts not to disseminate information concerning the complaint beyond those who have a need to know. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions regarding the process for filing or investigating complaints of discrimination (including sexual harassment).
Click here to access the Title IX Formal Complaint Form.
CLERY Reporting
Title IX Training
34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) requires an institution to make materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process publicly available on its website.
Title IX Team Training Materials
- Coordinator Training Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Training: September 20, 2022
- OCR Investigator Training: Civil Rights/Investigator One: Foundations Training; April 4, 2023
- Annual Training for Advanced Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators on July 27, 2020:
http://www.trainedsolutions.com/portfolio-item/072720-adv-coordtrng/ - Title IX/VAWA Hearing Panel Training on August 11, 2020:
http://www.trainedsolutions.com/portfolio-item/august-11-title-ix-vawa-hearing-panel-training/ - Internal Investigations Certificate Program; September 27 – 29, 2023
- Investigation Skills and Report Writing for Higher Education; October 12 – 13, 2023
- Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors = Clery Act and Title IX (California): This course prepares leaders to cultivate and maintain a workplace culture resistant to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Faculty and staff will be equipped with the information and skills that promote intervention, empathy, and allyship. This course includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act.
Additional Title IX Training Material
- ATIXA Training Material
- Title IX U.S. Department of Education
- How to Report Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- OCR Webinar: Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment
- OCR Webinar on Due Process Protection Under the New Title IX Regulations
- The First Amendment and Title IX: An OCR Short Webinar
- New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault
- Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar
All sexual activity between members of the Alliant International University community must be based on affirmative consent. Engaging in any sexual activity without first obtaining affirmative consent to the specific sexual activity is sexual misconduct and constitutes a violation of the university policy, whether or not the sexual activity violates any civil or criminal law. Affirmative consent means an informed, affirmative, conscious, voluntary, and mutual agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure that they have the affirmative consent of the other participant(s) to engage in sexual activity.
Lack of protest or resistance does not mean affirmative consent, nor does silence mean affirmative consent. Affirmative consent is given without coercion, force, threats, or intimidation.
Affirmative consent cannot be given by a person who is incapacitated. A person is unable to consent when they are asleep, unconscious or is incapacitated due to the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication as they are unable to understand the fact, nature or extent of the sexual activity. A person is incapacitated if they lack the physical and/or mental ability to make informed, rational decisions.
Affirmative Consent can be withdrawn or revoked at any time. Consent to one form of sexual activity (or one sexual act) does not constitute consent to other forms of sexual activity. Once consent is withdrawn or revoked, the sexual activity must stop immediately. A person with a medical or mental disability may also lack the capacity to give consent. Sexual activity with a minor (a person under 18 years old) is not consensual because a minor is considered incapable of giving consent due to age.
If you would like to learn more about the law, visit SB-967.